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November 04, 2013

Acne Treatment Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide
BenzacÒ AC

Benzoyl Peroxide; generic name BenzacÒ AC is a Keratolytic Gel it is an effective solution for treating Acne.(“AC” are the initials for Acrylates Copolymer beads which act to absorb oil and release glycerin to moisturize dry/irritated skin.) This product was introduced by my umma, she started using this Benzoyl when she was working abroad at Saudi Arabia and she told me that it was an effective remedy for treating Acne. (umma=mother)
So I started using Benzac and I was really glad for it really help minimized my acne’s. Each g contains benzoyl peroxide 50mg in a water base gel.
 How to use?
Apply to affected areas once or twice daily or as directed by the dermatologist. But I only apply this during the night before I sleep; I only use it once a day.

Php276.00 it is quite expensive so I only apply it once a day.

After applying to the affected area, it leaves a white mark from the cream it is not advisable to use powder after usage of this gel. This is why I only apply this before bedtime.

Over-All Rating:

Definitely yes. For best result, I also recommend using Acne-Aid soap together with Benzoyl Peroxide.


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